About Me

I'm a teenage entrepreneur and the Founder of Minty Ride

I love the outdoors, adventure and social side of riding.  One thing is for sure when I ride, the better the day, the higher the cost- and by that I mean, the dirtier my bike gets.

When I researched bike washes, most are made overseas and are mostly (80%+) water. I wondered why are we shipping water around the world when most of us have it in our home?  I know volume and weight translate to carbon emissions in transport.  That gave me the idea to create Minty Ride, a waterless bike cleaner. It's as simple as adding water in your home, which means we are not shipping it around.  Shipping water around is simply not sustainable. 

We are located in Melbourne, Victoria. Come and join us on our mission to get bikes clean, the sustainable way.

The Minty Ride Team

After coming up with the idea for Minty Ride, I have worked with experts to help me bring it to life. 

The Minty Chemists- they are the brains behind our innovative formula and the one that make sure everything we sell has the highest quality standards.   

The Minty Marketing Team- That's led by me with support from brand and business experts that helped me translate my ideas into a brand story and look.  I create all the social media content and respond to your questions and comments.


The Minty Customer Service and Warehouse Team- We respond to your DM's and emails, manage the website and pack and ship out all your orders.

The Minty Ride Manufacturing Team- Once the Minty Ride concept was proven, we partner with a quality manufacturer here in Melbourne, Australia to make and package our Minty Ride Concentrate.